III International Conference
"Modern Problems of Condensed Matter Physics"
The conference "Modern Problems of Condensed Matter Physics" will be organized by the Physicotechnical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Scientific Center for Nanotechnology Engineering of the Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute (Uzbekistan).

It is scheduled to take place from October 7 to 9, 2025, at the Scientific Center for Nanotechnology Engineering in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. This event marks the third iteration of the conference, which has previously fostered discussions on significant advancements in condensed matter physics.

The conference will feature speakers from various countries, including the United States, Russia, and China, contributing to a rich exchange of ideas and research findings.

This conference promises to be a significant event for advancing knowledge in condensed matter physics and fostering international collaboration among scientists.
The primary purpose of the conference is to facilitate discussions and collaborations among researchers, academics, and industry professionals on various aspects of condensed matter physics. It seeks to provide a platform for presenting new research findings, sharing innovative ideas, and fostering international cooperation in this rapidly evolving field.

  • Condensed matter theory

    Exploring theoretical frameworks and models that describe the behavior of condensed matter systems.
  • Complex materials

    High temperature superconductors, super conducting hybrid structures, fractal structures, functional materials.
  • Nanostructures and nanomaterials

     Discussing properties, synthesis, and applications of nanostructured materials.
  • Ceramics and composites

    Examining the physical properties and potential applications of ceramic materials and composites.
  • Quantum materials

    Exploring materials that exhibit quantum phenomena and their implications for technology.
  • Models of statistical physics of complex systems

    Analyzing complex systems through statistical mechanics.
  • Methods of quantum field theory in complex systems

    Applying quantum field theory techniques to study complex systems.
  • Modern experimental research

    Presenting cutting-edge experimental techniques and findings in condensed matter physics
  • Superconductivity and magnetism

    Investigating the interplay between superconductivity and magnetic phenomena.
  • Computational and

    material physics

    Utilizing computational methods to understand material properties.
  • Non-equilibrium and statistical physics

    Studying systems far from equilibrium conditions.
  • Low-dimensional systems and topological physics

    Exploring the unique properties of low-dimensional materials and topological phases.
  • Physics of defects

    Understanding defects in materials and their effects on physical properties.
  • Physical processes and measurement devices

    Discussing advancements in measurement techniques for condensed matter systems.
  • Fullerenes and carbon structures

    Investigating the properties and applications of carbon-based nanomaterials.
  • Low-dimensional structures and surface physics

    Investigating the unique properties of low-dimensional materials and their surface phenomena.
  • Physical materials science

    Bridging physics with materials science to understand material behavior.
  • Materials and minerals, geophysics

    Investigating the physical properties of geological materials and their applications in geophysics.
  • Geological materials and bio-mineral systems

    Exploring interactions between geological materials and biological systems, focusing on mineral formation processes.
  • Thermal physics

    Examining heat transfer processes and thermodynamic properties in various materials.
  • Electrophysics

    Studying the behavior of materials under electric fields and their applications in electronic devices.
  • Materials for energy conversion and storage

    Exploring innovative materials for energy applications.
  • Biophysics

    Studying the intersection of physics with biological systems.
  • Optics and spectroscopy

    Utilizing optical techniques to study material properties at micro/nanoscale levels.
  • Imaging, diffraction, and spectroscopy on the micro/nanoscale

    Utilizing advanced imaging techniques to study material properties at micro and nanoscale levels.
  • Phase transitions and critical phenomena

    Investigating phase transitions in various materials.
  • Solid state phenomena

    Analyzing various phenomena occurring in solid-state systems, including phase transitions and critical phenomena.
  • Critical and nonlinear phenomena in condensed matter

    Analyzing complex behaviors arising from critical phenomena.
  • Magneto-optical effects in nanostructured systems

    Studying how magnetic fields influence optical properties in nanostructures.
  • Molecular spectroscopy of condensed matter

    Investigating molecular interactions and dynamics within condensed matter systems.
  • Problems of modern solid-state physics

    Addressing unresolved issues in solid-state physics that require innovative solutions.
  • Actual issues of classical and quantum statistical physics

    Exploring contemporary challenges in both classical and quantum statistical mechanics.
  • Ultrafast processes in nanoscale physical systems

    Studying rapid phenomena occurring in nanoscale systems that have implications for technology.
Partners and co-organizers
University of Malaya (Malaysia)
Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Automation of the National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
United Arab Emirates University
Ankara University (Turkey)
Osh Technological University (Kyrgyzstan)
Amity University (India)
Karaganda Technical University (Kazakhstan)
ITM University in Gwalior (India)
Technological University of Tajikistan
Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute (Uzbekistan)
Termez Engineering and Technology Institute (Uzbekistan)
The conference will be held in Bukhara, Uzbekistan on October 7-9, 2025. The in-person session of the conference will be held at the Scientific Center for Nanotechnology Engineering of the Bukhara Engineering and Technology Institute . The address of the Institute: Uzbekistan, Bukhara region, 200100, BUKHARA, MURTAZAEV street, 15

We will provide the participants with visa support documents (an official letter of invitation). We will be glad to help with accommodation in cozy and hospitable hotels of Nukus at special prices to all participants during the conference by priory arrangement. Accommodation and travel expenses are paid by sending organizations.
International ProgramME and Organizing Committees
A. Benseghir, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
F. Gafarov, Technological University of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan
A. Zinovyev, Institut Curie, Paris, France
A.S. Abrorov, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
K. M. Agarwal, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Nodia, India
B.B. Baizakov, Physical Technical Institute “Physics – Sun”, AS Ruz, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
B.L. Oksengendler, Institute of Materials Science, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Ch. Wang, Institute of Metal Research of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
E. N. Tsoy, Physical-Technical Institute of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
E.M. Ibragimova, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
H. Bahlouli, Saudi Center for Theoretical Physics, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
I. K. Kamilov, Amirkhanov Institute of Physics, Makhachkala, Russian
K.M. Agarwal, International Management Institute, New Delhi, India
M. N. Kalimoldaev, Institute of Information and Computational Technologies, Kazakhstan
M. Rizoqulov, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
B. Shamshiev, Osh Technological University, Osh, Kazakhstan
M.M. Zhuraeva, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
V. Lefter, Republican Center for Space Communications and Electromagnetic Compatibility of Radio-Electronic Devices, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
M.R. Zhumaev, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
M.Z. Sharipov, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
O. Ergashev, Namangan Engineering and Technological Institute, Namangan, Uzbekistan
S.M. Al-Marzoug, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
N.N. Sadullaev, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
R. Aliev, Andijan State University, Andijan, Uzbekistan
S. Zainobiddinov, Andijan State University, Andijan, Uzbekistan
S.G. Siddikova, Bukhara Engineering and Technological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
U. Al Khawaja, United Arab Emirates University, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates
V. V. Koledov, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Moscow, Russia
S.A. Bakhramov, Institute of Ion-Plasma and Laser Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
W. A. T. Wan Abdullah, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
B. Yavidov, Nukus State Pedagogical Institute, Nukus, Uzbekistan
Zh. T. Galbaev, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, Kyrgyzstan
O. Mamatkarimov, Namangan Engineering and Technological Institute, Namangan, Uzbekistan
K.M. Mukimov, Center for Development of Nanotechnology at the National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Guest Editors
The Proceedings of the Conference are planned be sent to the international journal.
Templates and guidelines
These are templates and guidelines for proceedings papers, they are there to to help you prepare your work.

All papers must fit the scope of the conference

Essential guidelines
Please follow these essential guidelines when preparing your paper

Authors must prepare their papers using Microsoft Word template:
One author should not submit more than two articles to the conference. This includes papers that they have co-authored.

Paper format
  • There are no page numbers, headers or footers within the paper.
  • Text is single spaced, not double spaced.
  • All fonts are embedded.
  • All pages are portrait (landscape pages should be rotated).
  • The abstract text should be indented 25mm from the left margin and there should be 10mm space after the abstract before you begin the main text of your article, starting on the same page as the abstract.

Paper content
  • The paper includes the author name(s) and affiliation(s) (full address including country).
  • All articles must contain an abstract.
  • All figures and tables should be numbered in numerical order. Please ensure that figure/table numbers are not duplicated or missed.
  • Figures are legible and placed within the text, not collected at the end of the document.
  • If section headings are numbered, ensure that they are numbered numerically, and no numbers are duplicated or missing.
  • Displayed equations should follow a naming convention in numerical order, i.e. (1), (2), (3) etc or by section, i.e. (1.1), (1.2) etc. Ensure every displayed equation has its own number and none are duplicated or missing.
  • Reference lists are checked for accuracy. References can only be linked via CrossRef if they are correct and complete.
  • If numbering references (Harvard system) ensure that references are numbered numerically, every reference has its own number and no numbers are duplicated or missing.
  • Ensure that all references are cited in the text and that all citations have a corresponding reference.
  • Finally, please ensure that the paper is thoroughly proofread to check the standard of English and ensure wording is clear and concise.
  • Structure the paper, using the following subheadings to identify each section: Background, Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

§ Background/introduction
§ Purpose/objective
§ Methodology
§ Results/findings
§ Conclusions

Conversion to PDF
  • The PDF file is editable and not password protected.
  • The PDF is free of formatting errors (e.g. corrupt equations, missing or poor-resolution figures), since conversion from Word to PDF can introduce formatting errors.
  • There are no blank pages.

  • Submitted articles must be the authors’ own work, expressed in their own words. Papers with similarity rate more than 20 percent will be rejected.
The Organizing Committee will ensure a rigorous review process for each submitted paper by sending it to two independent reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. Each paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
  1. Relevance to Conference Directions: The paper must align with the themes and objectives of the conference.
  2. Scientific-Technical Originality, Potential Impact, and Interest for the Audience: Reviewers will assess the novelty of the research and its significance to the scientific community.
  3. Scientific and Technical Content, Novelty, and Importance: The depth and quality of the research presented will be critically analyzed.
  4. Quality of Presentation, Clarity of Content: The organization and clarity of the paper's presentation will be evaluated to ensure effective communication of ideas.
  5. Comments for All Authors: Reviewers will provide constructive feedback to all authors, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.
The reviewers will indicate their familiarity with the subject matter of each paper and provide evaluations based on the aforementioned criteria. Ultimately, the Organizing Committee will make decisions regarding which papers will be accepted for presentation at the conference. However, the final decision rests with the Publisher.This thorough review process is designed to maintain high academic standards and ensure that only quality research is showcased at the conference.
Early registration
Normal registration
Late registration
Contact person: Mustakim Zhumaev

E-mail: zhumaev@univers.uz

MPCMP-III 2025 Registratiom
Participant Information
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